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맥클린톡 McLintock [1963] John Wayne

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McLintock에 대한 이미지 검색결과 

George Washington McLintock, "GW" to friends and foes alike, is a cattle baron and the richest man in the territory. He anxiously awaits the return of his daughter Becky who has been away at school for the last two years. He's also surprised to see that his wife Katherine has also returned. She had left him some years before without really explaining what he had done, but she does make the point of saying that she's returned to take their daughter back to the State Capitol with her. GW is highly respected by everyone around him, including the farmers who are pouring into the territories with free grants of land and the Indians who are under threat of being relocated to another reservation. Between his wife, his headstrong daughter, the crooked land agent and the thieving government Indian agent, GW tries to keep the peace and do what is best for everyone. Wealthy rancher G.W. McLintock uses his power and influence in the territory to keep the peace between farmers, ranchers, land-grabbers, Indians and corrupt government officials. Director: Andrew V. McLaglen Writer: James Edward Grant Stars: John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Patrick Wayne 1080p HD 

형광색 비옷 안전 우비 작업용 비닐 우의 휴대용 여름
이케아 PARKLA 페르클라 수납박스 55x49x19cm
남자청남방 오버핏 데님셔츠 캐주얼남방 IS-JK24
실리콘 오다리깔창2p 오다리패드 오다리쿠션 휜다리
오젬 갤럭시탭S8 프로텍션 핸드스트랩 케이스
타이탄풀커버필름2매 갤럭시S23울트라 SM-S918N
갤럭시A15 A156L 카드수납 스트랩 목걸이 케이스
갤럭시 A8 2018 사생활 액정보호필름1매
오공 마루커버시트(화이트) WT90 장판보수 테잎형
계양 곰팡이제거 (박사500ml)x(5개)곰팡이제거제
이케아 GLASIG글라시그 미니양초홀더 유리5x5cm 5개입
LED L2 충전식 자석 각도조절 랜턴 손전등 후레쉬
강력 수압상승 샤워기 고급메탈호스세트 2m/샤워꼭지
코카콜라 업소용 1.25L 12PET
헬로키티 입체 페이스 화이트 레인부츠

바르네 풀테이프 리필 BGT-0180R 12개 MB O
칠성당 연벼루3호 (135x225)
