무료음악 / Music

Emilia - Big Big World

아기상어 0 1328 0

중학생 때부터 쭉 좋아했던 노래-

유투브는 댓글 보는 재미가 있어요 ∩_∩

I am 35 now and I was 14 when the song came out. Back then times were more simple, we watched songs on MTV, we didn't have YouTube or Facebook to divide us through a screen. People back then were more loving and enjoyed life, wonderful Times and amazing memories. Thank you for everything Emilia.

I am 70 years old and remember this song very well. Beautiful!


미세모 미니 틈새 먼지제거 브러쉬 투명보호캡 포함 자동차 실내 청소솔
3M 몰딩 양면테이프 회색 8mm x 11M
3M 5611N VHB 아크릴 폼 양면테이프 48mm x 11M
자동차 주차번호판 전화번호판