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Google is wading into a market that China really wants to own


Google is teaming up with India's hottest tech company to win over new smartphone users. That should worry the Chinese firms who have long dominated the market in the world's second most populous nation.

The Silicon Valley giant announced last week that it is pouring $4.5 billion into Jio Platforms, the mobile carrier-turned-tech juggernaut that has netted a slew of big investors this year. Some of that money will be used to develop a super cheap smartphone tailor-made for the local market — a device that could help Google and Jio capture some of the half a billion Indians who have yet to own their first smartphone, many in rural communities...


아기상어 2020.08.12 12:40
재미있는 아티클~ 이따 밤에 봐야지^^

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