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“Pro-Iranian Shiites” Iraq Only Seems “Pro-Iranian”

“Pro-Iranian Shiites” Iraq Only Seems “Pro-Iranian"

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Written by Damir Nazarov.

Three years have passed since the murder of Suleimani and Muhandis, and the Iraqi resistance has not fulfilled its promise to eliminate the American presence in Iraq. Moreover, some influential figures directly connected with the resistance (Sheikh Khazali) or who are a political ally in parliament (Nouri al-Maliki) have begun to make rather contradictory statements in relation to the American presence. In early May, Sheikh Khazali, the head of Asaib al-Haq, said that Iraq should keep a balance between the United States and China. Further in April, the leader of the “rule of law” political bloc, Maliki, at a meeting with the US ambassador called on American companies to return to Iraq.

Such “compromise messages“ from ”symbols” of the pro-Iranian policy inside Iraq certainly go against Tehran’s desire to end the American presence in Iraq and the region as a whole. Rahbar has repeatedly noted that after the murder of Suleimani and Muhandis, the task of local Muslims and their allies is to get the Americans to leave, but the behavior of some of Iran’s proxies, like Sheikh Khazali, demonstrate a different behavior and tacitly welcome cooperation with Washington.

Surely, as the main argument for “necessary cooperation” with the United States, Sheikh Azalea, Maliki and others will point to the deplorable state of the Iraqi economy. However, due to circumstances called the “quota system” regime, which instead of the real economy implies a corrupt system. Therefore, in this situation, neither the United States nor China will definitely help the Iraqi society. Therefore, the economic justification of the duplicitous policy of some “pro-Iranian figures” does not find understanding. Apparently, the so–called “coordination structure” simply does not want to fulfill its promises to “avenge the Americans for the death of Suleimani and Muhandis,” and instead wants to build a balance between Washington and Beijing, as Sheikh Khazali says.

Against the background of the compromise behavior of the leaders of the “coordination structure”, the parties associated with the said political bloc continue to send threats to the Yankees. In this regard, Kataib Hezbollah, Hezbollah al-Nujaba and the “People of the Cave” (associated with al-Nujaba) stand out. A year earlier, the same factions assured of the presence of Mossad bases in Kurdistan, but no concrete hostilities followed. It seems that most Iraqis are satisfied to exist on a balance between the United States and China, and threats to the occupiers will remain rhetoric*, but in Iraq you can never be sure of anything.

* – By the way, all the threats from the Iraqi resistance faction against the Turkish interventionists, in the end, remained words. Moreover, thanks to Chinese intermediaries, economic relations between Baghdad and Ankara have reached a new level, and no one remembers the words of the faction leaders.


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